
postheadericon Type-30 Electric Driven Air Compressor 10 HP 120 Gallon Vertical - Fully Packaged

Best Buy Type-30 Electric Driven Air Compressor 10 HP 120 Gallon Vertical - Fully Packaged For Sale

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Type-30 Electric Driven Air Compressor 10 HP 120 Gallon Vertical - Fully Packaged Overview

Ingersoll-and high performance Two-Stage Fully Packaged air compressors are designed for the most demanding automotive, heavy-duty commercial or industrial applications where a dependable air supply is essential. For each fully packaged air compressor comes complete with a pre-installed magnetic motor starter, air-cooled after cooler, and an electric drain valve to remove harmful moisture, plus the added protection of a low oil level shutdown switch- Durable, cast-iron, two-stage design offers extended pump life for years of trouble-free service- 175 PSI maximum operating pressure- 100% continuous duty for tough applications- Includes magnetic motor starter, air-cooled after cooler, electronic drain valve, low oil level shutdown switch and ASME tankSpecifications- HP: 10, 3 Phase 200, 230 or 460 Volts- Tank: 120 Gallon vertical- ACFM @ 175 PSI: 35- Max PSI: 175- NPT Outlet (in.): 3/4- Pkg. Dimensions L x W x H (in): 32 x 44 x 82- Net Weight (lbs.): 850

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