
postheadericon Powermate VSP0000201 2 Gallon Side Stack Air Compressor with Extra Value Pack

Best Buy Powermate VSP0000201 2 Gallon Side Stack Air Compressor with Extra Value Pack Online Store

you looking for low price Powermate VSP0000201 2 Gallon Side Stack Air Compressor with Extra Value Pack?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Powermate VSP0000201 2 Gallon Side Stack Air Compressor with Extra Value Pack and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Powermate VSP0000201 2 Gallon Side Stack Air Compressor with Extra Value Pack Overview

VSP0000201 Features: -Oil free, low maintenance operation.-Tank is lightweight and very portable.-Contractor style roll cage design protects unit.-Centralized handle with cushioned grip for easy lifting.-Rubber feet stabilize compressor.-UL and CSA Certified.-Capacity: 2 Gallon.-Maximum pressure: 100 PSI. Includes: -Includes extra value kit: 1.25'' 2-in-1 brad nailer/stapler with 500 nails, 500 staples, pre-attached connector, Allen wrenches and bottle of air tool oil, 300'' recoil air hose, inglation needle, 2 raft/mattress inflation nozzles and adapter fitting, ball tire chuck, quick coupler and 1/4'' NPT male thread connector. Construction: -Construction material: Steel. Specifications: -Voltage: 120V. Dimensions: -Dimensions: 16.57'' H x 16.5'' W x 15.16'' D.

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