
postheadericon 6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor

Save On 6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor For Sale

you looking for low price 6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells 6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor Features

  • Lightweight, compact and extremely portable. Single stage, direct coupled, oil lubricated pump.
  • Cast iron cylinder for extended pump life. Aluminum head for better heat dissipation.
  • Each unit is filled with Jenny Ultimate Blue Compressor Pump Oil.
  • Canister inlet filter with replaceable filter elements. Forced ventilation cooling system.
  • Start/Stop pressure switch control set. Thermal overload motor protection with mannual reset

6 Gallon Tank 2 HP Vertical Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor Overview

AM780-HC6V This Hand Carry Portable Electric Air Compressor is lightweight, compact and extremely portable with cast iron cylinders which allow for an extended pump life, and single stage, direct coupled, oil lubricated pump. This Portable Hand Carry Air Compressor has aluminum heading for better heat dissipation, canister inlet filters with replaceable filter elements, a pressure relief safety valve, tanks that are able to be manually drained and runs on an electric engine. All Jenny Hand Carry Units come with limited 1-year warranties, also included in each Jenny Air Compressor carton is Jenny's Ultimate Blue Compressor Pump Oil for your initial fill. Features: -Extremely portable -Start-Stop control -On/Off switch -Thermal overload protection with manual reset -Cast iron cylinder -Single stage, direct coupled, oil lubricated pump -Aluminum head -Jenny's Ultimate Blue Compressor Pump Oil for initial fill -Canister inlet filters, with replaceable filter elements -Forced ventilation cooling system -Heavy duty steel tank -6' power cord -Anti-vibration feet -Regulator and two gauges for line and tank pressure -Pressure relief safety valve -Manual tank drain -Special unloading valves to assist in motor/engine starting Specifications: -Motor: Electric -Horse Power: 2 HP -Tank Size: 6 Gallons -Power Supply: 115 Volt -CFM @ 100 PSI: 4.3 CFM -CFM @ 125 PSI: 3.8 CFM -Build: Vertical -Weight: 64 lbs -Dimensions: 24'' H x 18'' W x 18'' D 1 year Limited Warranty: -All compressors manufactured by Jenny are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of 2 years from the date or purchase by the original purchaser (initial user) -Liability is limited to repair or replacement of material found defective, free of charge F.O.B. plant. Motors and engines are warranted to the extent of original manufacturer's service facilities. Unauthorized repairs or replacements will not be subject to factory warranty Hand_Carry_Portable_Air_Compresso

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