
postheadericon Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Compressor with 13-Piece Accessory Kit

Cheap Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Compressor with 13-Piece Accessory Kit Sale

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Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Compressor with 13-Piece Accessory Kit Specification

  • 150 psi max tank pressure stores more air in the tank for longer tool run times
  • 2.6 SCFM at 90 psi allows for quick compressor recovery time, per ISO1217
  • Air coupler and plug are factory installed on the air hose to save user labor and to prevent leaks
  • 6-gallon pancake-style tank for stability includes water drain valve and rubber feet
  • Low-amp 120-volt motor starts easily in cold weather or with an extension cord
  • Equipped with a durable oil-free pump for long life and no maintenance
  • Shroud, handle, and console cover protect vital components and make unit easier to carry

Porter-Cable C2002-WK Oil-Free UMC Pancake Compressor with 13-Piece Accessory Kit Overview

This highly portable oil free pancake-style air compressor packs a punch with an induction motor that provides improved performance and extended life, whether you're filling tires or firing a nailer. Complete with a soft-start motor, the C2002-WK can easily run off of normal household circuits and is able to run at 3.5 SCFM for faster recharge of its 6-gallon tank. The motor features replaceable brushes in order to extend motor life and 150 PSI max pressure to allow for extended run time. It also includes 120 PSI cut-in pressure that provides 30 PSI "Bonus Air" and High-Flo air regulator to protect against a large pressure drop. The C2002-WK includes a 13-Piece Accessory Kit with a 25-foot nylon hose, blow gun and attachments, tire chuck, tire gauge, quick coupler, plugs and Teflon tape.

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