
postheadericon Porter-Cable C6110 15 Amp 2-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor

Discount Porter-Cable C6110 15 Amp 2-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor On Sale

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Porter-Cable C6110 15 Amp 2-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor Overview

With its compact, vertical design, this oil-free compressor supports nailers and other air tools. Complete with nine wheels and a comfortable padded metal handle for easy portability, the C6110's most helpful, time-saving feature is its ability to provide 25 gallons of air tank reserve at a 150 PSI maximum pressure. Here's how it works: A pressure switch controller automatically starts the motor again once it hits the 120 PSI pressure point, which means the C6110 supplies 71 percent more usable air over other 125 PSI maximum air pressure models, and cuts down on wait times between re-charges. A 15 Amp circuit is the power source for the 120 volt, 1.9 running HP capacitor start induction motor, which delivers 7.7 SCFM at 40 PSI and 5.4 SCFM at 90 PSI. And because this system is oil-free, you won't have to worry about the mess and danger of spills. Offering an ASME-approved reserve air tank, the CUL-listed C6110 comes with a high air flow regulator, high flow quick coupler, and two gages.

Porter-Cable C6110 15 Amp 2-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor Specification

  • 150 psi max tank pressure stores more air in the tank for longer tool runtimes
  • 120 psi cut-in pressure provides 30 psi Bonus Air before a 90 psi tool becomes inoperable
  • 5.3 SCFM at 90 psi for faster tank recharge of 25 gal tank, per ISO1217
  • 25 gal vertical Tank Configuration takes less floor space
  • 1.7 Running hp, 120-volt capacitor start induction motor for easy restarts; Oil-free pump for oil spills/contamination and maintenance-free operation

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