
postheadericon 7.5HP 80-Gallon Vertical Type 30 Series Two-Stage Air Compressor - Standard Package IRR 2475N7.5

Buy 7.5HP 80-Gallon Vertical Type 30 Series Two-Stage Air Compressor - Standard Package IRR 2475N7.5 Store

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7.5HP 80-Gallon Vertical Type 30 Series Two-Stage Air Compressor - Standard Package IRR 2475N7.5 Overview

7.5HP 80-Gallon Vertical Type 30 Series Two-Stage Air Compressor - Standard Package Ingersoll-Rand, the world leader in air power, brings industrial class two stage compressors to automotive applications. Featuring an all cast iron pump, with splash lubrication for efficient operation and easy serviceability, this new range delivers non-stop performance and reliability for commercial or automotive service applications. Type 30 Series compressors have been designed to generate maximum air out put at 175 PSI, with more then 15,000 hours durability. ? 100% cast iron cylinder head with deep groove directional cooling fins ? High efficiency stainless steel valves ? Oversized industrial grade bearings for extended pump life ? High efficiency intercooler ? 100% cast iron pump ? High efficiency inlet air filter with sound attenuation baffles Specifications: ? HP: 7.5 ? Tank; 80-gal vert ? ACFM @175 PSI; 25 ? Max PSI; 175 ? NPT Outlet (in); 3/4 ? Net Weight (lbs); 550 ? Power: 230V/1-Phase

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