
postheadericon Campbell Hausfeld HU3510 1.2 HP 20 Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Air Compressor

Buy Campbell Hausfeld HU3510 1.2 HP 20 Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Air Compressor Online

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Campbell Hausfeld HU3510 1.2 HP 20 Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Air Compressor Overview

Includes 20-Gallon Oil-Free Compressor - HU3510

Campbell Hausfeld HU3510 1.2 HP 20 Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Air Compressor Specification

  • Operates over 14 air tools so you can sharpen lawnmower blades, rotate tires, perform engine repair and maintenance, inflate car and bike tires, paint furniture, install trim and molding, upholster furniture, build a deck, and more
  • Easy-to-use 2-in regulator knob with soft touch points for easy, more comfortable pressure adjustments
  • Easy-to-maintain tank drain with cup, conveniently located on side of tank (regular tank draining extends the life of your tank)

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