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Best Cheap Powermate PL1582709 27-Gallon Invector Air Compressor Sale

you looking for inexpensive Powermate PL1582709 27-Gallon Invector Air Compressor?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Powermate PL1582709 27-Gallon Invector Air Compressor and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Powermate PL1582709 27-Gallon Invector Air Compressor Features

  • Oil free, low maintenance operation
  • Circuit breaker friendly motor
  • Compact shroud design with fully integrated regulator, gauges, air outlet, large on/off switch, tool holders and tool tray
  • 27-Gallon vertical portable tank saves space yet remains portable
  • Maximum pressure: 125 PSI; CFM at 90 PSI: 4.0; CFM at 40 PSI: 6.0; RHP: 1.5; UL and CSA certified

Powermate PL1582709 27-Gallon Invector Air Compressor Overview

Powermate PL1582709 Features: -Construction material: Steel. -Oil free, low maintenance operation. -No oil to add or change. -Starts easily in cold weather. -Circuit breaker friendly motor requires only one-half the starting current than traditional induction motors. -Compact shroud design with fully integrated regulator, gauges, air outlet, large on / off switch, tool holders and tool tray. -Vertical portable tank saves space yet remains portable. -Plug into any standard outlet for quick and easy use. -Comes fully assembled. -UL and CSA Certified. Specifications: -Capacity: 27 Gallon. -Maximum pressure: 125 PSI. -RHP: 1.5. -CFM @ 40 PSI: 6.0. -CFM @ 90 PSI: 4.0. -Voltage: 120V. -Dimensions: 46.5" H x 25" W x 24" D.

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