
postheadericon Porter-Cable CPFC2TV3525VP 15 Amp 3.5-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor

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Discount Porter-Cable CPFC2TV3525VP 15 Amp 3.5-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor Shop

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Porter-Cable CPFC2TV3525VP 15 Amp 3.5-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor Overview

Get the power of a 60 gallon tank with the Porter-Cable CPFC2TV3525VP 15 Amp, 3-1/2 Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor which has the equivalent of a 60 gallon tank, but in a much smaller footprint. The quick-connect coupler makes it simple and easy to connect air tools, and the High-FloSM air regulator kicks in at 145 PSI and stops at 175 PSI for a constant flow of air to your tools. This compressor features longer life and quieter operation thanks to the four pole 1725 RPM motor and integrated air intake filter. Talk about easy maintenance. The twin cylinder, oil-free design virtually eliminates maintenance with this air compressor.

Porter-Cable CPFC2TV3525VP 15 Amp 3.5-Horsepower 25-Gallon Oil-Free Wheeled Vertical Compressor Specification

  • 175 psi - 60 gal equivalent tank size as compared to conventional 125 psi model
  • High-flosm air regulator (145 psi start and 175 psi stop pressure switch) and High-flosm quick connect coupler for less pressure drop
  • Direct-drive, twin cylinder, oil free design for durability and no maintenance
  • 120-volt high-torque, capacitor start induction motor for reliable starting
  • Longer life and quieter operation with -inch4 Pole-inch 1725 rpm motor; Large air regulated pressure gauge for easy visibility and better accuracy

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