
postheadericon Ingersoll Rand P1IU-A9 Hand Carry Twinstack 2-HP Compressor

Discount Ingersoll Rand P1IU-A9 Hand Carry Twinstack 2-HP Compressor Web Store

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Ingersoll Rand P1IU-A9 Hand Carry Twinstack 2-HP Compressor Overview

This Ingersoll Rand hand-carry air compressor provides the power, durability and portability you want on the jobsite. Built to last and designed for the toughest 100% continuous-duty applications. Includes two quick-connect couplers to run two tool simultaneously. HP: 2, Volts: 120, CFM at 90 PSI: 4.3, CFM at 135 PSI: 3.2, Max. PSI: 135, Tank Type: Twin stack, Air Tank Size (gal.): 4, Stage: Single, Motor Phase(s): Single, Amps: 15, Air Outlet Size (in.): 1/4, Portable or Stationary: Portable, Pump: Cast iron, oil lube, Duty Cycle: 100%, Dimensions L x W x H (in.): 19 x 19 x 19

Ingersoll Rand P1IU-A9 Hand Carry Twinstack 2-HP Compressor Features

  • Two-horsepower motor
  • 135 max PSI
  • Capacity at 90 PSI 4.3 CFM
  • Capacity at 135 PSI 3.2 CFM
  • 115 volts and15 amps

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