
postheadericon Porter-Cable C7550 80-Gallon 30-Amp 6-Horsepower Oiled Vertical Compressor

Cheap Porter-Cable C7550 80-Gallon 30-Amp 6-Horsepower Oiled Vertical Compressor Store

Porter-Cable C7550 80-Gallon 30-Amp 6-Horsepower Oiled Vertical Compressor Specification

  • High-powered air compressor with 175 PSI air pressure for consistent air flow240 Volt capacitor start induction motor with manual thermal overload protection for easy restarts
  • Large 80 gallon tank keeps plenty of air on tap
  • Air delivery at 40 PSI: 13.3 at 100 PSI SCFM; Air delivery at 90 PSI: 12.9 at 175 PSI SCFM
  • Weighs 401 pounds
  • Comes equipped with oil in the pump

Porter-Cable C7550 80-Gallon 30-Amp 6-Horsepower Oiled Vertical Compressor Overview

The Porter-Cable C7550 80 Gallon Oil-Lube Air Compressor offers powerful 5.4 (running) HP and 175 PSI air pressure to run just about any kind of air tool. Air delivery is solid at 90 PSI - 12.9 at 175 PSI SCFM--meaning, less downtime waiting for the compressor to recharge and more time actually using your air tools. The C7550 not only boasts industrial-grade performance, but it also has many features that increase its durability and lifespan. The two-stage, oil lubricated Twin-V cast iron pump greatly increases lifespan and overall reliability, and the pump contains automotive-style pistons, rings, and connecting rods that help to extend the lifespan of the C7550.


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