
postheadericon Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor

Best Cheap Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor Sale

you looking for inexpensive Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor Overview

5 Horsepower Electric Motor Run a wide variety of tools; reaches 7 HP peak at startu...

Iron Horse IHD6160V1 60-Gallon 150 PSI Max Electric Compressor Features

  • No magnetic started needed
  • Heavy duty pressure switch has on/off control
  • Thermally protected 7.0HP 208/230-volt electric motor
  • Efficient heat removal from pulley-fan for cooler running and longer life
  • 60-gallon ASME registered tank, 150 PSIG rating

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