
postheadericon Puma Belt-Drive Stationary Vertical Air Compressor - 60-Gallon Vertical, 5 HP, 18.2 CFM, Model# PK7060VS

Buy Puma Belt-Drive Stationary Vertical Air Compressor - 60-Gallon Vertical, 5 HP, 18.2 CFM, Model# PK7060VS Online

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Puma Belt-Drive Stationary Vertical Air Compressor - 60-Gallon Vertical, 5 HP, 18.2 CFM, Model# PK7060VS Overview

Heavy-duty Puma 60-Gallon, 5 HP compressor is built with a cast iron belt-driven oil-lubricated 3-cylinder single-stage pump to run quietly and deliver long pump life. ASME-certified vertical tank has gate valve to allow downstream air to be shut off. U.S.A. HP: 5, Volts: 230, CFM at 90 PSI: 18.2, Max. PSI: 150, Tank Type: Vertical, Air Tank Size (gal.): 60, Stage: Single, Drive: Belt, Motor Phase(s): Single, Amps: 19, Air Outlet Size (in.): 1/2, Portable or Stationary: Stationary, Pump: Cast iron, oil-lubricated, 3-cylinder, Dimensions L x W x H (in.): 22 x 31 x 71

Puma Belt-Drive Stationary Vertical Air Compressor - 60-Gallon Vertical, 5 HP, 18.2 CFM, Model# PK7060VS Specification

  • Durable cast iron oil-lubricated pump for long life and no heat transfer between cylinders
  • Copper finned inter- and after-coolers provide good heat dissipation and less moisture
  • Ball bearings on each side of crankshaft for smooth running and durability
  • Heavy-duty paper element filters keep cylinder heads clean
  • Durable metal belt guard won't break

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