
postheadericon All-Power America APC4406 Quietzone 1.5 HP Air Compressor with Aluminum Tank

Best Buy All-Power America APC4406 Quietzone 1.5 HP Air Compressor with Aluminum Tank Web Store

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All-Power America APC4406 Quietzone 1.5 HP Air Compressor with Aluminum Tank Features

  • Light weight alum tank
  • 4-1/5 CFM at 90 psi
  • 5-1/5 cfm at 40 psi
  • Max 125 psi
  • Easy to read gauges

All-Power America APC4406 Quietzone 1.5 HP Air Compressor with Aluminum Tank Overview

Oil-free dual pump compressor slows 1.5 HP 120V motor by 50% for low noise and longer life. 125 max PSI. Lightweight aluminum tanks for portability. 2 metal pressure gauges; 2 quick-connectors. Thermal overload protection.

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