
postheadericon Campbell Hausfeld WL6506 26 Gallon ASME Vertizontal Air Compressor

Discount Campbell Hausfeld WL6506 26 Gallon ASME Vertizontal Air Compressor Web Store

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Campbell Hausfeld WL6506 26 Gallon ASME Vertizontal Air Compressor Features

  • Can be operated and stored in a vertical or horizontal position
  • Built in tool storage helps organize the garage
  • Easy to read and easy to use control panel
  • Large air resevoir for extra storage during heavy duty tasks around the home
  • Maintenance free oil less pump with a durable shroud covering hot moving parts

Campbell Hausfeld WL6506 26 Gallon ASME Vertizontal Air Compressor Overview

Includes 26-Gallon Oil-Free Vertizontal Air Compressor - WL6506, Built In Tool and Accessory Storage

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