
postheadericon Campbell Hausfeld VT6290 20 Gallon ASME Oil-Lubricated Horizontal Air Compressor

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Cheap Campbell Hausfeld VT6290 20 Gallon ASME Oil-Lubricated Horizontal Air Compressor Store

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Campbell Hausfeld VT6290 20 Gallon ASME Oil-Lubricated Horizontal Air Compressor Overview

Tackle your auto maintenance jobs with this one 20-gallon air compressor. It provides the air power you need to finish a wide range of projects, from rotating tires and sharpening blades to inflating and painting.You can depend on this unit's cast iron pump for long life operation in a home garage or automotive shop. Its portable design makes it easy to move around your garage or workshop. Plus this unit is 35% quieter and 60 degrees cooler than aluminum pumps with cast iron cylinder sleeves.

Campbell Hausfeld VT6290 20 Gallon ASME Oil-Lubricated Horizontal Air Compressor Features

  • Heavy duty CAST IRON oil lubricated twin cylinder pump
  • Powers a variety of air tools for the serious do it yourselfer or contractor
  • Product life of up to 5000 hours based on b-10 bearing rating
  • Quietest operation
  • Durable and safe ASME code tank

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